Available Instruments
The Leica TCS SP8 STED 3X is a high sensitivity confocal microscope with complete flexibility and STED super resolution capability.
- Inverted microscope
- White light laser: up to eight excitation lines between 470-670 nm
- 405 laser line
- Five spectral detection channels: completely tunable bandwiths, 3 HyD detectors with photon counting and gating capabilities and 2 PMTs
- Resonant scanner for high speed scanning
- Okolab stage top environmental chamber for live cell imaging
- Automated stage allows mark and find and montage images for large samples
- Adaptive Focus Control – laser based autofocusing
- Stimulated emission depletion super resolution with laser lines at 592, 660 and 775nm
- Objectives:
- 10x/0.4 dry HCX PL APO CS
- 20x/0.75 oil HC PL APO CS2
- 40x/1.1 water HC PL APO CS2
- 40x/1.3 oil HC PL APO CS2
- 63x/1.4 oil HC PL APO CS2
- 100x/1.4 oil HC PL APO CS2

Leica TCS SP8 MP
The Leica TCS SP8 MP is a multi-photon microscope for deep imaging with a large stage for intravital imaging and a Clarity objective for cleared samples.
- Upright microscope
- Mai tai deep see laser, tunable from 690 to 1090nm
- 488 laser line for single photon imaging
- 1 internal PMT with tunable bandwith detection
- 4 external, non-descanned detectors
- Resonant scanner for high speed scanning
- Automated stage allows mark and find and montage images for large samples
- Large platform stage for whole animal imaging
- Clarity objective – for clarity cleared samples: 25x/1.00, 6 mm working distance
- Other Objectives:
- 10x/0.4 dry HCX PL APO CS
- 40x/1.1 water HC PL IRAPO
- 63x/1.3 glyc HC PL APO CS2
- 25x/0.95 water Fluotar VISIR

Zeiss Lightsheet 7
The Zeiss Lightsheet 7 is a light sheet microscope for imaging of living and cleared samples.
- 6 lasers: 405, 445, 488, 515, 561, 638
- Emission filters: 445/50, 525/40,480/40, 545/40, 595/40, LP585, LP660
- 2 PCO.edge 16bit cooled CMOS cameras
- 5x and 10x illumination optics
- 5x, 10x, and 20x detection optics for solutions with refractive indices from 1.33 to 1.58
- Environmental control (temperature, CO2 and humidity)
- Dedicated analysis workstation